Friday, November 5, 2010

Potty Training - Day 1

I have decided that we are really going to try and do it this time. I know Hannah is ready since she tells me all the time, likes to wear her big girl underpants and has used the potty many, many times. We might have to resort to bribery with M&M's to make it happen, but as long as it works I am all for it!

Here is how our first day went....

8 am: Woke up. Hannah cried and cried for a "diaper change" but finally agreed to wear the underpants.
8:30 am: She peed on the potty!
9:10 am: Pee on the potty
9:15 am: She pooped in her underpants. FYI this is way more difficult to deal with than a poopy diaper.
9:30 am: Pee in underpants....and all over the carpet. I am seriously considering putting the diaper back on, but I hold out and keep hoping this works!
10:30: We have to go out and run an errand, so I have to put a diaper on. Amazingly 45 minutes later when we get home she is still dry and immediately goes on the potty!
11:18 am: Pee on potty
11:49 am: Pee on potty
12:18 pm: Pooped in pants again. No fun.
12:20 pm: Pee on potty
3:55 pm: Woke up from nap wearing diaper, wet of course. Went pee on potty and agreed to put the underpants back on
4:38 pm: Pee on potty
5:15 pm: I hear Hannah yell "Mom I poopied on the wall." What could this possibly mean? Apparently she was leaning against the wall when she pooped in her pants and now we have a brown mark. Eww.
5:16 pm: Pee on potty
7 pm: Pee on potty before bed.

Not bad for the first day. At least we got most of the #1 in the potty, just have to work on #2. The M&M reward seems to be helping and of course the high fives, hugs and shouts of excitement can't hurt either. We will keep trying tomorrow!

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