Friday, June 26, 2009

More birthday pictures...

blowing out her cake candle!
Singing Happy Birthday to Hannah!
She is starting to get into the cake....
We were about to take it away at this point...

Birthday Pictures

Here are some pictures from Hannah's birthday party last weekend! Sorry it has taken me so long to post them! She had a great time. she loved all of her presents! She got a ton of stuff. I think smashing up her cake was the best part for her. She cried when she first touched it, but after she tasted it she could not stop eating! She was just smashing handfuls of cake into her mouth! We eventually had to take it away so she would not be sick and she got so mad about that. Anyways, the party was fun. We wish more of our family could have made it but everyone lives so far away! Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here is Hannah with her new favorite toy!

First Birthday

Hannah's first birthday was yesterday! I can't believe she is a year already! It has gone by so fast. We had a very fun filled day yesterday. Daddy even got to stay home from work! We went to the lake in the morning. It was Hannah's first time doing anything like that. She played in the water and in the sand. She liked going out in the deep water with her Daddy. We didn't stay too long because Hannah was wanting her nap. After she woke up we went to Toy R' Us and got one of those outside playsets for her to crawl on. More pictures of that to follow.... anyways, she loved it and took a tumble from the top soon after she started playing on it. She forgot about falling about 30 seconds later and kept on playing. It was a very fun first birthday! Her party is on Saturday and I will post pictures of that when I get them.

Good morning Hannah! She woke up so happy on her birthday....ready for fun!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Almost One!

Hannah is almost 1! I can't believe it! Her birthday is next week! She is so much fun. It has been awhile since I have posted anything, but she has been keeping me so busy. She is such a happy little girl. She should be walking pretty soon. She stands up without holding on to anything but has not taken those first steps yet. She eats pretty much everything we eat and drinks from a sippy cup! She says "Mama" and "Dada" and "bye-bye" and waves. Her party is going to be on June 20. It should be fun. It will just be a small gathering but I am sure Hannah will enjoy smashing up her cake! I will be sure to post pictures of that! We have been going to the park and she likes to swing on the baby swings. We have also been using her baby pool a lot too and she really likes that too!

Hannah and I went to Orlando last week to visit one set of grandparents. They were all so happy to see her and sad that we could not stay longer. Hannah was really worn out from all the excitement but she did really good on the long car ride! We were hoping to go the beach but the weather did not cooperate so we will have to go another time!
Hannah with her aunt Ashley.
Enjoying the swing at the park

Eating dinner like a big girl!

Climbing all over the back yard.