Monday, February 28, 2011

Reagan's First Birthday!

Our little Reagan celebrated her first birthday today. Time is just flying! Sam stayed home from work today so we could all spend the day together. We didn't do too much since the weather was so bad, but we did go out to lunch and play at the house. Here is Hannah greeting her sister in the morning with a big birthday hug!

This is one of Reagan's new toys. She is not quite big enough for it yet, but she will get there soon!
I made my first cake from scratch tonight for a trial run for her party on Saturday. It wasn't very pretty, but it sure tasted good!

I can't believe it has been a year already. This past year has been one of the hardest with having to adjust to two kiddo's in the house, but it has definitely been the best so far! This little girl brings such joy to our lives and we are so in love with her! We can't wait to see how she grows and who she grows up to be.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dinner was Good

Check out that enormous belly! The girl can eat!
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A couple of announcements...

I wanted to make completely sure before I made this announcement, but here it goes....Hannah is potty trained! Yup, it's official, no more potty accidents and she actually tells us when it is time to go. We have been waiting such a long time for this! Our friends who don't have kids probably don't understand our excitement, but it really is a big deal!

Reagan has a new trick too! She is walking! She started a couple weeks ago with a few steps here and there, but she is a true walker now! Walking all over the house. I think she may have even run a little bit today!

Way to go little girls!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some new pictures of our sweet little girls!
Going shopping
Check out this pretty little face


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