Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hannah loves to dress up....I don't know how she got so girly, but she would wear tutus and dresses every day if she could.  We thought it fitting to make her a place to store all her pretty little things!  Daddy and I have been working hard on this and finally it is all painted and finished.  It looks great in her room!


Happy Easter!  It was just the four of us this Easter and we spent lots of quality time together!  We spent the morning checking out what the Easter Bunny had brought.  Hannah started eating candy at about 7:05 a.m.  There was no stopping her.  Just as fast as we were taking it away she was shoveling it into her mouth!  She loves sweets just like her mommy!  After checking out all the goodies, we had a great breakfast and they started getting ready for church.  Church was great and we spent time talking with Hannah about the real meaning of Easter.  We, of course, don't want her just thinking it is all about bunnies, eggs and candy!  The whole family got a nice long nap and they we started getting dinner ready.  We took a long talk while the ham was cooking and walked by our new house (we just can't help ourselves from stalking the house!)  It was a great day!  I am so happy to have such a wonderful family!
 checking out what the Easter Bunny left them!

 Easter goodies from Grandma and Grandpa Dergosits...
 and here is Reagan checking out her duck from Grandma and Papa Sampson
 All dressed for church!  Aren't they cute holding hands??

Egg Hunting Again!

Yesterday we enjoyed egg hunt #2, this time in Chimney Springs.  Hannah and Reagan both had a great time and made out great with a ton of candy!  They are super excited about Easter tomorrow!
 family picture time before the egg hunt!
 Hannah and Addie with the Easter Bunny

 Hannah and her little buddy Jack

Reagan, Hannah, Jack and Allie.  They were pretty tired out after all that egg hunting!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Egg Hunting

Today was Hannah's Easter Egg Hunt at preschool.  The kids were super cute and really into egg hunting this year.  I got to attend the egg hunt with Hannah and then we spent some fun time playing on the playground at school.  Reagan got to play with the big kids and she loved that!
 Hannah and Reagan sharing some love before school!

Getting ready for Easter!

We are gearing up for Easter and today we dyed the Easter eggs!  Hannah was pretty excited about this and Reagan was pretty entertained watching from her high chair.  

 Next year she will be big enough to join in the fun!
 Blue, yellow, red and green dye, but somehow we ended up with half the eggs being pink.  Pink is definitely Hannah's favorite color!

Spring Time!

We have been loving the great spring time weather here!  Spending tons of time outside and checking out nature.  Just wanted to share some recent pictures.....We can't wait until summer when the pool opens up!
 We are growing some strawberries and blueberries.  Hannah is checking them out.  Hopefully soon we will have some to eat!

Trip to Orlando

These pictures are way late....but a few weeks ago the girls and I made our first trip to Orlando without Daddy.  I had been scared to go alone with them since Reagan was so young and hated the car so much, but she did great this time!  It was a long trip but Hannah kept Reagan happy and they were so glad to see Grandma, Grandpa, Ashley and Madison!
Here is Reagan enjoying some quality time with Aunt Ashley

Grandma Dergosits with her two grandbabies!

Enjoying a snack together

Grandma and Great Grandma!
Sorry Grandpa and Maddy!  I did not take very many pictures and somehow missed getting you guys in any shots!  Next time for sure!