Thursday, December 31, 2009

Merry Christmas to Us!

We had another great Christmas with our sweet little Hannah! Unfortunately I had to work on Christmas day this year, but Santa came a day later and we had a great time celebrating on Saturday. Sam, Hannah and I had our own Christmas at home on Saturday. It was really nice and she loved her gifts. It was hard to keep her interested to open them because she was so busy playing with everything! On Sunday we traveled to Florida to see our families. We went to Orlando first and exchanged gifts and visited with everyone. Then we went to Lake Wales and saw Sam's family. It was actually kind of chilly in Florida which made for a nice Christmas time there.

Hannah's favorite gifts this year were her kitchen set from Santa, a shopping cart and lots of play food, books, and blocks. She also got a potty and some books about going potty. We will be working on that pretty soon! I am so hopeful that we can get her potty trained before our new little baby comes!

Here is Hannah cooking up a storm with her new kitchen set. She was not all that interested in her other gifts after seeing this!

This toy was also a big hit and was great for keeping her entertained on the long car ride to Florida.

She loved her hat and mittens!

Go Gators!!

Hannah thought our nativity set was pretty fun when we let her play with it!
Aunt Jackie and Uncle Andrew

Hannah got another cute hat! She loves hats!

We had a surprise visit from Great Grandpa when we got to Florida! He came all the way from New York to spend Christmas with us. We were glad to get a picture of Hannah with both of her great grandparents!

Opening presents at the Dergosits' house!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Half Birthday!

Today is Hannah's half birthday! 1 1/2 years old today! Here is her latest stats:
Wt: 21 lbs 5 ounces
Ht: 30 1/2 inches
She is getting so big! We love you little girl!

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Visit with Santa

Today Hannah and I went to visit Santa. It went much better than I had anticipated. She cried briefly when I first sat her on his lap, but after he gave her a candy cane she was okay. We quickly wiped away the tears and got some pictures. Of course she refused to smile, but I was just happy that she was not screaming!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Decking the Halls!

Christmas is my favorite holiday! I just love this time of year! It is so fun to be able to teach Hannah all about Christmas and pass on all our Christmas traditions to her. We decorated the house for Christmas this past week. Hannah is loving all the decorations. She keeps pointing to the stockings hanging from the mantel and telling me "socks!" She is so cute!
I am hoping to take her to see Santa this week. I am sure she will be terrified of him this year. She has a major fear of facial hair, but we will at least attempt it so we can say we tried to visit Santa.

Another exciting thing for us this year is that we actually got a real tree! Sam and I have always had an artificial one and even growing up I never had a real tree except maybe when I was real little, so this was very exciting for us. We went out in the cold a couple days ago and picked out a really pretty tree. The house smells so nice and it looks so good! I don't think we will ever go back now! It was quite an experience getting it in the house and in the stand but well worth the effort.

We put on some Christmas music and pulled out the decorations for the tree last night. Hannah wanted so badly to help with the decorating and I felt like the whole time we kept saying, "No," "Don't touch," "Careful" to little Hannah. We have so many ornaments that are breakable, but we did find some she could help with and they are hanging near the bottom of the tree within her reach. She was a great helper and had a good time with it. It was so fun to be able to do this as a family and we can't wait to have another little one to share the next Christmas season with us!
Here she is admiring the tree!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

She loves her baby.
She is going to be a great big sister!


Last week we celebrated our second Thanksgiving with our little Hannah. I was off work and it was nice to be able to spend time as a family. Sam's parents were able to come up and spend the week with us as well. Hannah is very worn out from all of the excitement over the last few days. Sam even informed me today that he had to put her in "time out" because she was being so naughty!

Hannah did not seem to appreciate her Thanksgiving dinner as much as the rest of us did. She is such a picky little eater! She liked the bread and the cranberry sauce but not much else. While the turkey was in the oven we all went to Kennesaw Mountain and took a little hike/walk for a few miles. It was so nice out and Hannah fell asleep in the stroller.

Then on Friday, after some morning online shopping, we all went to Cochran Shoals and took a walk down by the river. We were trying to walk off all of the food that we had eaten the day before. Sam and I decided we would go for a jog. It ended up not being a great idea since I believe I would have put myself into labor had I continued on much further. After some rest everything was fine, but I won't be trying that again until after the baby is out. I will just stick with Zumba for now!
Playing in the leaves!
Hannah also finally learned how to say "grandma" a couple days ago. She has been saying "papa" for a while now, but Grandma Sampson was very excited that she could say her name while they were here visiting.
We had a great little Thanksgiving break and have lots to be thankful for this year! We are especially thankful for Hannah's little laughs and sweet smiles, our little baby girl that we will be meeting soon and our family and friends!