Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cute Pictures!

Just wanted to share some new pictures...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

3 Months Old!

Hannah is three months old now...I can't believe it! Time is going by so fast. She is getting big. She started using her exersaucer that is in the pictures. She likes it a lot and has just figured out how how to turn herself in it. We have to pad blankets around her though because she is still little. She is starting to "talk" more and more and is so happy all the time!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Sampson family is doing well! Little Hannah had her first cold last week. She was pretty miserable with her snotty nose and her coughing and sneezing, but we got through it and she is feeling much better now. She is getting her picture professionally taken this week so I will post that whenever I can, I am sure it will be cuter than the pics I have been taking. We are missing everyone and are looking forward to coming back down to Florida in few weeks for Sam's HS reunion.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hannah is doing really great! Mommy has been back to work for three weeks now and she is doing great staying home with her daddy. Hannah has started sucking her thumb this past week, she no longer seems to want her pacifier. She also seems to be sleeping better now that she can put her thumb in her mouth to console herself at night and during naps. I think it is pretty cute!

Hannah had a lot of visitors this week. Erica came from Auburn to visit her for the first time.
Melody also came and stayed a week with us and got to meet Hannah.

She also watched her first Florida game this weekend with her daddy and Dennis. She even dressed in her Gator gear for the event. Go Gators!