Wednesday, September 18, 2013

All Bunked Up!

The girls (and their 500 stuffed animals) are super excited to finally have their beds bunked!  

4 months old!

These pics are coming a couple weeks late, but Ben is 4 months old now!  He is such a sweet happy baby.

Here are his stats:
Wt: 14 lb 5 oz (50th percentile)
Ht: 25 inches (50th percentile)

He is growing well, eating well and finally sleeping well!  He has been sleeping through the night for about 2 weeks now and it is wonderful!  12 full hours of sleep for the little guy!  He loves to snuggle, watch his sisters play, play with his feet, chew on his hands and drooling on everything!  He is just starting to be interested in some of his baby toys and his sisters have been showing him how they work.  Love this happy guy!

Just a couple pictures from a few weeks ago.  Grandma and Papa came to visit!
 Tummy time!