Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our Little Ducky's Halloween

The Sampson's had a very busy and fun-filled Halloween. I actually had a Saturday off of work, so we all got to spend the day together and it was great! We carved our pumpkin this morning and Hannah was interested for about the first 15 minutes and then she decided she would rather just watch Sesame Street. Sam decided that to cheer on our team we should make a Florida Gator pumpkin. It came out great but was so much work! We were a little sad that we were not able to actually go to Jacksonville and see the game like so many our friends got to....maybe next year!

Hannah and Daddy carving the pumpkin together.

Here is our pumpkin all lit up!

When it was time for putting her costume on Hannah, of course, hated it, but after a few minutes she was okay. She was the cutest little ducky! We took her to the fall festival at her preschool. There were so many people there and she was very overwhelmed. We had so many people thinking she was anything but a duck. We were asked if she was Big Bird or a chicken.....I thought she was pretty obviously a duck. We tried to put her in the bounce house but she was not having it. After a lap around the festival we decided we decided to leave and try this kind of thing next year. Hannah was very excited to see her teacher, Ms. Tanoa, there and got some candy. The M&Ms are her favorite! Even though Hannah was pretty much ready to go to bed after her busy day we thought we would try some trick-or-treating. We only made it to one house before our baby was about to fall asleep and the rain and the cold brought us back home. Time for Sam and I to settle in to watch our TiVo'd Florida/Georgia game! Go Gators!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A New Way to Ride

So we finally gave in and bought a jogging stroller last weekend. The regular stroller was just not cutting it and this new one is so much better. Sam has been running a lot lately (so proud of him by the way!) and now he can take Hannah with him when he goes. Doesn't she looked relaxed? Today me and Hannah went to Kennesaw Mountain and took a nice long walk. The fall color was so pretty!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's a Girl!

Sam and I just wanted to share that the new baby we are expecting is another girl! Everything is going well and we are still on track to be meeting her in early March. My belly is growing fast! We cannot wait to meet her!

Loving the Pumpkin Patch!

It is cooling off up here in Georgia and that means fall! This is my favorite time of year. Sam's parents came up to visit for a week or so and we thought that while they were here it would be a good time to take Hannah to the pumpkin patch. There is a church near our house that has tons of pumpkins and Sam and I have been getting our pumpkin there every year.
Hannah loved it! She had so much fun running up and down the aisles of pumpkins. We tried to let her pick out a pumpkin and she picked a little tiny one that she wanted and carried it around. She tried to pick up one of the big pumpkins, but of course she was unsuccessful. She got to ride in a wagon with her pumpkins and she had such a great time. It was in the 50's outside when we went and Hannah's little nose was so pink and cute in the cold. We got some great pictures!

Looking a little overwhelmed by all of the pumpkins!

Hannah found her perfect pumpkin. She picked this one out all by herself!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just wanted to share some new pictures. Things have been pretty busy around here with my doctors appointments, taking Hannah to storytime and Mother's Morning out and to the park when it is nice out. It seems like it is finally starting to cool off here and it is nice to be to take Hannah outside without getting all sweaty. She went for her 15 month checkup today and was 21 pounds. That is quite an increase for her and we are glad she finally seems to be growing!
We are working on getting her to use a fork or spoon when she eats. As you can see it is not going so well and mealtime is still very messy around here.
Hannah is loving running around the backyard and finally will go down her slide all by herself.