Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our Little Ducky's Halloween

The Sampson's had a very busy and fun-filled Halloween. I actually had a Saturday off of work, so we all got to spend the day together and it was great! We carved our pumpkin this morning and Hannah was interested for about the first 15 minutes and then she decided she would rather just watch Sesame Street. Sam decided that to cheer on our team we should make a Florida Gator pumpkin. It came out great but was so much work! We were a little sad that we were not able to actually go to Jacksonville and see the game like so many our friends got to....maybe next year!

Hannah and Daddy carving the pumpkin together.

Here is our pumpkin all lit up!

When it was time for putting her costume on Hannah, of course, hated it, but after a few minutes she was okay. She was the cutest little ducky! We took her to the fall festival at her preschool. There were so many people there and she was very overwhelmed. We had so many people thinking she was anything but a duck. We were asked if she was Big Bird or a chicken.....I thought she was pretty obviously a duck. We tried to put her in the bounce house but she was not having it. After a lap around the festival we decided we decided to leave and try this kind of thing next year. Hannah was very excited to see her teacher, Ms. Tanoa, there and got some candy. The M&Ms are her favorite! Even though Hannah was pretty much ready to go to bed after her busy day we thought we would try some trick-or-treating. We only made it to one house before our baby was about to fall asleep and the rain and the cold brought us back home. Time for Sam and I to settle in to watch our TiVo'd Florida/Georgia game! Go Gators!

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