Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Little Sponge

I don't mean to brag but I have just been so impressed by Hannah lately! She is just like a little sponge now and it is so fun to teach her new things. She is so eager to impress us with her new skills and loves to copy what we say. She can now point to just about all of her body parts and tell us what they are and her new cutest trick is that she will tell you what sounds animals make. My favorite is when she throws her head back and says "Moooo!" She barks back at our dogs now and meows at our cats. It is pretty cute!

Here she is showing us where her belly button is
She also has become pretty good at using her fork which makes meal time much cleaner. Hopefully soon she will be able to move from the high chair to the table to eat with us! She is also quite the climber these days and has figured out how to climb onto the dining room table chairs. This means that she can now also reach all the things we put on top of the table to keep out of her reach. We will have to modify our babyproofing to keep up with her Today she even tried to be a big helper and throw away some papers for me. We told her what a good job she was doing by helping, so she then proceeded to "help" by throwing a bunch of her toys in the trash too!

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