Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Thanksgiving Party

Today at Hannah's preschool they had their Thanksgiving party! Each parent had to sign up to host one of the partys for the year and this one was mine. The kids were so cute! There are just four sweet little girls in her class. When I got there they were all wearing little Indian headbands with feathers in them. I wish I had brought my camera! I brought them the world's messiest cookies....They had sprinkles everywhere! I was supposed to be doing a craft with them and we made little turkeys out of paper plates and painted them. The kids had such short attention spans and I ended up finishing Hannah's for her. I read them a cute little Thanksgiving story which most of the kids actually listened to and enjoyed. Then Hannah proceeded to show me every toy that they had in their classroom. Hannah is the smallest one in there but was talking the most. She is such a little chatterbox! They were so good and played so sweetly together. It makes me very excited for all her future little school projects!

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