Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What is a Wubbanub you ask? Well my NICU friends would know....it is a silly little stuffed animal attached to the pacifer to help hold it in place. I always thought they were kind of silly when I saw babies at work with them, but now that I have little Reagan who LOVES her pacifier it comes in really handy! She has a monkey one that is super cute!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sam's Half Marathon

We are so proud of Sam for running his first half marathon today! He ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 12 minutes. Hannah, Reagan, and I and our friend Dennis went down to Centennial Park to meet Sam after he finished the Georgia ING race. We missed him crossing the finish line but caught up with him shortly after he finished. He did great and we are so proud of him!
Hannah wearing Daddy's medal! Way to go Daddy!

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Sisterly Love

Hannah and Reagan hanging out on the floor and having some good sister bonding time!
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Enjoying Bath Time!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Sampson household has been battling with vomit and spitting up from little Reagan since she was a few days old. Now I know that all babies spit up some, but Reagan has been projectile vomiting at us and shooting it out a few feet! I brought her to the pediatrician this week, and she had not gained any weight at all since her first visit. They were concerned of course and sent us to the ER to get her checked out. After a long three hours there and an abdominal ultrasound, we ruled out pyloric stenosis, but they were still not sure why she was vomiting so much. Since then she has been started on some Zantac for what we are assuming is reflux, and she has been doing so much better! Last night I even got two 4 hour stretches of sleep, and she did not scream at me or vomit at all during the night. Life is good! We went back to the doctor today and she is up to 7 pounds 9 ounces. That is a 2 1/2 ounce weight gain in two days! She is still not back to her birth weight, so we have to go back again next week for another weight check. Wish us luck! Hopefully all this vomiting will stop or at least slow down, I can't handle doing this much laundry and seeing my little baby so sad!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Two Weeks Old Already!

I can't believe that yesterday Reagan was two weeks old! It is going so fast! I survived my first week alone with the two girls and overall it went pretty well. Friday was really rough because the stomach bug that we had all been passing around finally got to me and I felt awful all day. Luckily it only lasted about 24 hours and I was feeling fine over the weekend. It was so nice to get to spend the weekend together as a family and I am so looking forward to the rest of my weekends off during maternity leave. I am so not going to want to go back to work!

It has become clear with another little person in the house how badly we need an extra bedroom. Our house is still for sale and we have still been showing it a ton but no offers yet....hopefully soon it will sell so we can get a bigger place!

Here are some new pictures...when Hannah was this little I took pictures every day but now with two of them I have not been nearly as good about taking pictures.
Hannah loves her little sister Reagan!
We got them Big Sis and Baby Sis shirts made with their names on them, but they were not so cooperative when we tried to take their pictures together.

Hannah finally agreed to sit next to Reagan and we snapped a few shots...they are going to be best friends!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

She must be having happy dreams!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mommy of Two

Well today was my first day taking care of both girls all by myself. It went very well. They did not gang up on me too much. Sam's parents left this morning after being here for about a week and a half. It was so helpful and I am so grateful that they were able to come be with us during Reagan's birth and to help out afterward. Thanks again guys!

Hannah seems to be transitioning well. She definitely gets jealous at times like when I am feeding Reagan and can't hold Hannah at the same time, but she has been trying to give her her pacifier when she is crying and gives her kisses all the time. I think Hannah is starting to realize that Reagan is here to stay and she is going to have to share mommy and daddy with her.

Hannah had a stomach bug for the first time a couple days ago. She was just pitiful and all the throwing up made her really miserable. This was a true test of our parenting skills with taking care of Hannah being sick and a newborn baby. Sam even took one for the team and caught a handful of vomit from Hannah to avoid it getting on the couch!

Reagan has been a pretty easy baby so far. She has been sleeping well during the night and waking up every 3 hours or so, but then going right back to sleep after her feedings. Breastfeeding is so much easier this time around! We have had Reagan in cloth diapers already and they swallow her up but they are so cute!
Here is our new family of four right when we got home from the hospital. It was snowing that day! You can't see Reagan but she is snuggled up in the carrier.
Hannah is checking out her new sister
Daddy's three girls!

Check out my giant cloth diaper butt!