Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Sampson household has been battling with vomit and spitting up from little Reagan since she was a few days old. Now I know that all babies spit up some, but Reagan has been projectile vomiting at us and shooting it out a few feet! I brought her to the pediatrician this week, and she had not gained any weight at all since her first visit. They were concerned of course and sent us to the ER to get her checked out. After a long three hours there and an abdominal ultrasound, we ruled out pyloric stenosis, but they were still not sure why she was vomiting so much. Since then she has been started on some Zantac for what we are assuming is reflux, and she has been doing so much better! Last night I even got two 4 hour stretches of sleep, and she did not scream at me or vomit at all during the night. Life is good! We went back to the doctor today and she is up to 7 pounds 9 ounces. That is a 2 1/2 ounce weight gain in two days! She is still not back to her birth weight, so we have to go back again next week for another weight check. Wish us luck! Hopefully all this vomiting will stop or at least slow down, I can't handle doing this much laundry and seeing my little baby so sad!


Lauren Lynch said...

So glad to hear the med is helping - there is light at the end of the tunnel...and she's really cute too!!

The McCormicks said...

Things will get better good luck!

Amaris Kelley said...

Brayden was the same way! The Zantac was a lifesaver, and he grew out of it by the time he was 3 months old. Love the pics of the girls...they are gorgeous