Monday, March 15, 2010

Two Weeks Old Already!

I can't believe that yesterday Reagan was two weeks old! It is going so fast! I survived my first week alone with the two girls and overall it went pretty well. Friday was really rough because the stomach bug that we had all been passing around finally got to me and I felt awful all day. Luckily it only lasted about 24 hours and I was feeling fine over the weekend. It was so nice to get to spend the weekend together as a family and I am so looking forward to the rest of my weekends off during maternity leave. I am so not going to want to go back to work!

It has become clear with another little person in the house how badly we need an extra bedroom. Our house is still for sale and we have still been showing it a ton but no offers yet....hopefully soon it will sell so we can get a bigger place!

Here are some new pictures...when Hannah was this little I took pictures every day but now with two of them I have not been nearly as good about taking pictures.
Hannah loves her little sister Reagan!
We got them Big Sis and Baby Sis shirts made with their names on them, but they were not so cooperative when we tried to take their pictures together.

Hannah finally agreed to sit next to Reagan and we snapped a few shots...they are going to be best friends!

1 comment:

Lauren Lynch said...

Love the shirts - they are too cute together!