Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ben is 2 months old!

Ben is 2 months old!

Wt: 12 lb 9 oz (75th percentile)
Length: 23-1/2 inches (75th percentile)

Ben is growing fast and getting big fat cheeks!  He smiles all the time now, just impossible to get it on camera!  He is becoming such a sweet, calm baby and loves to snuggle.  He is sleeping fairly well at night, with a good 6 hour stretch at the beginning and then usually ends up in bed with us after the first nighttime feeding and the sleeps fairly well until morning.  Breastfeeding is going well and very easy with him.  He loves to eat and is a very efficient and fast eater!   He is wearing size 3 month clothes now.  

The girls continue to adore him and are enjoying seeing him smile.  They can't wait until he can really play with them!  I went back to work a little over a week ago, and Daddy has been doing great keeping all 3 kiddos by himself while I am at work!  

Happy 4th of July!  This picture is ridiculous, but it is the best I could get the girls to do. Why is it so difficult to get 2 kids smiling nicely in the same picture?  It was a rainy, yucky 4th of July this year and we were stuck in the house most of the day.  Daddy and the kids did make it to the annual fishing contest in the rain, where Reagan took second place for her fish.  No BBQ, pool, bike decorating contest or fireworks though because of the bad weather.  We just spent the day inside together.  Happy 4th!

I'm a little behind, but on June 28th Sam and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary!  Having a new baby and two other little ones, we didn't do anything too exciting to celebrate.  Just a nice meal together after the babies went to bed and exchanging of gifts.  Maybe next year a trip alone without the kiddos to celebrate!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Visiting with Mom

A couple weeks ago we had some visitors! My mom, grandma, Ashley and Maddie came up to visit and see Baby Ben! We had a great visit and enjoyed spending time with them.  Here's a group shot of the crazy bunch.  My cousin, Steve, also came to visit for an afternoon.

Great-grandma with baby Ben!

The grandmas and their grandbabies