Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Finally sharing some Halloween pictures! We were so lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa Sampson, Uncle Andrew, Aunt Jackie and little cousin Presley here to share in the Halloween festivities! We started off our Saturday with Daddy and Andrew's half marathon, rested a little bit and then went to the Chimney Springs Halloween Party. Hannah had a great time seeing all the costumes and some of her friends, decorating a cookie, making crafts and getting treats. We were told that Hannah and Reagan even won the costume contest for their age group, although we had to cut out early from the party when the babies started getting cranky. Hannah was a pirate (a pirate princess), but refused to wear her hat or eye patch when it was actually time to wear the costume. It's funny though because when we got the costume a few weeks ago she wore the eye patch everywhere and we could not get her to take it off! Reagan wore the classic baby monkey costume and was as cute as can be. Little Presley was a sweet little ladybug. They were a pretty cute bunch!
All the excitement at the CS Halloween party was just too much for Reagan, so off to sleep she went shortly after we arrived.
Uncle Sam and Aunt Stephanie with our little ladybug niece!
Hannah having a great time at the party
Little monkey woke up and needed a banana
On Sunday we carved the pumpkin. We had help from Grandma and Grandpa.

Reagan enjoyed playing in the pumpkin "goo" but Hannah wanted nothing to do with it!
I tried so hard to get Reagan in the pumpkin like we did with Hannah. Reagan was just not having it. I guess at 8 months old she is a little too big anyways!
She was much happier just sitting next to it.
Time to go trick-or-treating! Mommy had to work and missed out, but Hannah got some treats from a few houses and then went back to check out her goodies.

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