Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Potty Progress

Hannah is doing so well with the potty! The first few days were rough, but she is doing better at it each day. She is loving wearing her "big girl underpants" and never forgets to ask for her M&M after she goes. She does not seem to get that she has to tell me when she has to go, but when I prompt her to go and try she does great! I think she is just too busy being a busy little toddler to worry about having to go.

Today was by far the best day we have had. Only one accident all day! We were even out in the backyard and she told me she had to go, and we made a mad dash for the potty and we made it in time! She even stayed dry while we went out to go show the house to some prospective renters.

I can finally see a diaper-free future for Hannah!

Let's hope this continues. It is so nice only having half as many diapers to wash!