Monday, August 15, 2016

Today was another fun day, but we are so ready to come home.  It is Monday night here and we will be home Friday evening.  We are counting down the days!  Today was the day in Guangzhou that I think most families dread the most, the medical exam day.  Our 7 family group actually all did really well and I think we were in and out in record time.  Eli had to visit 3 stations at the medical clinic, the first for his height, weight and temperature, the next for ear, nose and throat check and then with a doctor for a physical exam.  He was a little scared but overall did really well.   The moms all took the newly adopted kiddos to the exams and the dads took the older girls out to the park for a morning of dad and daughter time.

Then this afternoon Sam started feeling sick, within a couple hours he was burning up with a fever.  He stayed behind to rest while the rest of us went out on a river cruise on the Pearl River. Our guides thought it would be fun to order pizza and eat that on the boat and so we did.  Eli and Hannah both thought it was delicious!  The river cruise was really fun and the city was beautiful at night.  We saw the Guangzhou Tower, also known as the Canton Tower, up close and it was so beautiful to watch it light up and change colors.

He's got the "cheese" face down!

Sam was feeling a little better when we got back (probably because the fever meds finally kicked in) and we are hoping he is able to sleep well.  We would appreciate prayers that our whole family doesn't get this bug and that Sam is able to recover quickly.  Tomorrow we are supposed to head to the Pearl Market and have dinner out with our whole travel group.  Good night from China!

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