Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby Ben!

Little Baby Ben decided to make his appearance into the world on Sunday, May 5th.  We have been ready and waiting to welcome him into our family!  I had been having contractions on and off the whole week prior and was so ready to get the show on the road.  At my doctor's appointment the previous Monday the doctor had said she thought I would have him that week, and she was right.  I had worked my last shift the weekend before, so this was my first weekend home with the family.  Luckily Sam's parents had arrived the day before to be there to help us out for a while.  We went to church Sunday morning, and I told Sam while we were getting ready that I felt like maybe I shouldn't go and should stay home and rest.  About halfway through the service my contractions really started picking up and were about 3-5 minutes apart.  By the end of church, actually during communion, they were about 2 minutes apart, getting uncomfortable, and I was thinking we had better get going.  We made it home and I called the doctor and they said that even though they weren't terribly painful, to go ahead and head to the hospital, being the third baby might come quite fast.  

We got the girls in for a nap and got to the hospital around 3:30.  I was 6 cm dilated when we got to the hospital and contracting every 2-3 minutes.  The doctor came and broke my water at 5 pm and that was when things started to really pick up.  As soon as she left the room the contractions were coming 1-2 minutes apart and PAINFUL!  I was immediately asking for the epidural, but needing to get some IV fluids first.  By the time the nurse came back in to check on me and to see if the fluids were finished, a mere 20 minutes or so later, I was feeling the desire to push.  She checked me and baby Ben was ready to join us.  We held off for a few minutes for the midwife to arrive, pushed a few times and at 5:39 p.m Benjamin Wyatt was born!  Worst pain I have ever felt, but all forgotten once that sweet little baby was in my arms!  Everything went very fast, but perfectly and we were both doing well and healthy!  He is a big boy!  8 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long.

Here is our last picture as a family of 4 before heading to the hospital

Welcome to the world Benjamin Wyatt!

Ben sucking his thumb, just minutes old.

Grandma and Papa brought Hannah and Reagan up to the hospital to meet their new little brother.  They loved him right away!

1 comment:

Katie said...

These pictures are great! I just realized that Ben was born on Abbi's birthday! So now we have 2 kids with the same birthdays!! Isn't that wild?! (Reagan's birthday is not in January is it? Then we might be 3 for 3!)