Monday, January 2, 2012

Preschool Christmas Fun

On the last day of preschool before Christmas break, Sam and I were invited to the school for their Christmas program.  Both girls were signing in the program and were super cute!  Before the show we joined Reagan in her classroom for her Christmas party.  She is the littlest and youngest one in the class but seemed to get along well with the other kids and be having a great time.  We started out with snacks...

Then Daddy and Reagan made a Christmas ornament together.

Reagan made this shirt in a her class a few days prior to this.  Super cute little reindeer made from her hand and foot prints.  Of course, she took one of the googly eyes off pretty quickly but it was still cute!

After the Christmas party we were off to the show.  This was the best picture I had were you could see both of them.  Reagan is in the first row and Hannah is in the third with the black dress on.  Hannah is shorter than the other kids so it was hard to see her in most of the pictures.  They did a great job singing for all of us and the little ones in Reagan's class were cute!  Reagan was waving at us through almost the whole show!

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