Monday, June 13, 2011

Our new house!

After a long, long wait for the closing and a couple years of searching....we finally own our dream home!  We are so excited to have bought the home that we plan to live in for a very long time and where we will raise our family!  We closed on June 1st and have been working nonstop since then on packing, moving, unpacking, painting and numerous other small projects around the new house.  My head feels like it is about to explode with all of future projects floating around in it.  We were so thankful to be able to have Sam's parents up here with us through the whole thing.  They were so helpful with watching the girls, cooking, cleaning, unpacking and they worked so hard!  I think they were ready to leave today and get back home to relax!  We just cannot thank them enough for coming up here to help us!  We are mostly unpacked and are really getting settled in now.  We are loving our new location in the Chimney Spring being right next to the playground, lake and pool.  We can literally walk out of our backyard and be at the playground.  How awesome is that?  We can't wait to keep working on the house to really starting making it our own.  More pictures of the inside to come soon...

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