Thursday, February 4, 2010

Adventures with Cloth Diapers!

We have decided to make the switch to cloth diapers! It has been quite an adjustment, but it is going well so far. After lots of research and anxiously awaiting for them to arrive, they came about a week and a half ago and Hannah has been wearing them since. I was nervous about putting her to bed at night in them, but no leaks so far! She is just wearing her disposables to preschool, since I did not want them to have to bother with the cloth. The diapers are nothing like the cloth diapers our parents used a long time ago! The diapers are so cool....I never thought I would get so excited about something covering my baby's bum!
Here is Hannah with her bum looking so big and cute in her new diapers. I think she likes all the different colors!
The idea is to save some money on diapers and wipes, but with all the cool diaper stuff out there it is very hard to restrain myself from buying more. We have figured that with just one baby they would pay for themselves in about 6 months, but they will pay for themselves even faster once we have 2 babies. We went with the adjustable one size diapers, so Hannah and the new baby can both wear them. We have a few different brands so we can decide which are our favorites before we buy more. I was even feeling crafty last week and made my own cloth wipes so they can just be thrown in with the diaper laundry. It is definitely a big change, but I figure even though it is a little more work it is better for our babies, the planet and our wallets!

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