Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Quick update

I have not updated in a while, since Hannah's birthday I think. Hannah is doing more new stuff! She has been walking a little bit but she still prefers to crawl around real fast. I have seen her take up to 6 or 7 steps at a time and then she just gets down and crawls to get where ever she is going. I think she is just not patient enough since it takes her longer to walk places.

Sam and I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago. We left Hannah with grandma and grandpa Sampson for the week. It was my first time being away from her overnight. She did really great and had a good time with her grandparents.

She has been keeping us really busy lately. She is constantly into everything and loves putting things into containers and then taking them back out, taking everything off all of my shelves and putting her own toys there. It is pretty cute but keeps me really busy chasing after her.

We have been going to storytime at the library every Wednesday for a while now too. She really likes getting to be around the other babies! Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know what she has been up to lately! Enjoy the pictures.

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