Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here are some more pictures of little Hannah! She is at such a fun age right now. I love it! She can crawl so fast now! She is trying to pull up on everything and can stand up holding on for a few minutes. She is taking lots of falls these days and we have really been trying to pad everything so she does not get hurt. I am going back to work full time next week. I am a little sad about this! Hannah is going to be going to daycare 1 day a week while I am at work. I found a really nice place and I feel okay about leaving her there. I am glad see will get to play with some other little babies! She is still saying "Mama" all the time and we are trying to get her to say "Dada", but no luck yet. Hope you all enjoy the pictures!

Hannah just loves to play with the dogs and they love her too! We just have to try to hold them back from licking her face constantly!

Hannah just loves her daddy! This is now her favorite has a bear that dances around and she can pull herself up to standing with the handles.

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