Saturday, June 21, 2008

How It All Happened...

Just wanted to share Hannah's birth story with those of you who have not yet heard it.

I had a Dr's appointment on June 16th and was disappointed to hear that I was still only one centimeter dilated and a little more effaced than last week. I kept thinking to myself that this baby was never going to come out! But apparently she had other plans.

At 4 am on Tuesday, June 17th I got up to go to the bathroom and felt a gush. I instantly was hoping that it was my water that had broken, but didn't want to get to excited. I waited up about a half hour and it just kept on leaking out. I was so excited that today was finally going to be the day! I woke Sam up about 4:30 am and had a hard time getting him to wake up and be live me that it was time to go to the hospital. I called my doctor, took a shower and ate some breakfast and then we headed to the hospital.

We got there a little after 6 am and when they checked I was 4 cm dilated! I was shocked! I was having pretty intense contractions every few minutes from the time my water broke. I held out for a few hours and got my epidural around 8:30 am. Instantly things were so much better! My contractions did slow down some, but by 11 am I was 9 1/2 cm dilated. It was almost time to have a baby! My doctor arrived at 12 pm and told me I was ready to start pushing. Her head was still really high up and they warned me that I had a lot of pushing to do. I was pushing for about 2 hours. I was so exhausted and didn't seem to be making much progress. The doctors ended up helping me out by using the vacuum to help get her out. A couple contractions later she was born!

She came at 2:17pm on June 17th. She is so beautiful and we were so excited to finally meet our little girl! We came home the next day and have been doing great at home. We are settling in and working hard at breastfeeding! It is so much harder that I thought! We will keep adding pictures as we get them!

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