Saturday, February 23, 2013

Reagan's 3rd Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Reagan's 3rd birthday!  We had a great little party at the house complete with friends, food and the Tumblebus!
Here's the birthday girl waiting for her friends to arrive!

I was quite proud of my Pinterest-inspired rainbow fruit tray.

The girls had some pre-party fun with the balloons!

Shortly after all her friends arrived, the Tumblebus came!  The kids were not nearly as excited about this as I thought they would be.  In fact, after about 15-20 minutes on the bus they were pretty much done and just wanted to be inside snacking and playing.  Oh well, they enjoyed they time that they did play on the bus!

Happy birthday to my little 3-year-old girl!

Loved our visit with the Murren girls!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

 My sweet girls dressed up to go to school on Valentine's day!

 Mommy and Reagan snuggling up for a Valentine's day nap!

 We made heart-shaped pizza for dinner!  Daddy brought the girls and me some roses.  They were super excited to be getting roses like mommy!  Happy Valentine's day!

A couple weekends ago Hannah was chosen to take the class pets home for the weekend.  Two hermit crabs named Sharky and Tommy.  We kept them alive the whole weekend even though we had no clue what we were supposed to be feeding them.  They ate a couple goldfish and some pear?  The girls were a little scared to hold them though!

Just a few pictures from our last trip to the zoo!

Big Girl Bike!

It's official!  Hannah can ride her big girl bike now!  With the training wheels of course, but she goes FAST!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Working on some Valentine's art!

This girl really loves her dog.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

and by the way....

 We're having a baby!  Guess this should have been announced a while ago, but there has just been so much going on that it is so hard to get on here and update!  Baby number 3 will be arriving sometime the beginning of May.  We are all super excited to have a new baby in the house, although I'll admit I am a little worried about being outnumbered by kiddos! I have been feeling good and getting larger by the day!  So a few months ago I had an early ultrasound at work and was told we were having a girl baby....

but then about a month later at the doctor's office, we found out we were having a boy!  It took me a little while to get used to the idea of a boy baby in the house, but I am thrilled now and can't wait to meet him!

 The girls have been picking through the baby toys and deciding which ones they want to give to the new baby.  Here is Reagan kissing her baby brother!  We are so excited to meet him!